Sunday 9 January 2011

Transforming Penguin/Puffles

These cool new transforming cushions are awesome! My one is blue and is called Bluebell and my brother's is red and is called Ronnie.

From penguin... puffle

More members of the Puffle team!

Over the last few weeks I have been collecting a few more puffles:

This is Chris, one of the most daring puffles. He is the only one who is not frightened of The Dragon.

Here is Cookie, one of my brothers puffles.  Zany likes cookies but Cookie loves them!
Glitter next, one of the cutest puffles. She loves to dance along  with Twirl in the Disco hut.
Here is The Dragon, another one of my brothers puffles, almost every puffle is afraid of him. He is commonly known for his grumpiness and turning into a ball of flames whenever he wants. 

Sunday 12 December 2010

Newspaper gets a makeover!

A few weeks ago, the design of the newspaper on Club Penguin changed completely. It still has most of the features but there are no more puzzles or poems. The newspapers now come out on Fridays and in the top right corner is a news flash section. The newspaper is far more complicated and is on only one double-sided piece of paper. Personally, along with many other penguins, I prefer the other design and want it back.

Saturday 4 December 2010

How to play card jitsu water

Down beneath the card jitsu hideout a new, mysterious game awaits member ninjas, card jitsu water!  When the clouds were looming over us and the island was littered with puddles many of us predicted, it was time to get ready for card jitsu water.

After long preparations, hard work and lots of snowballs, the water battle began. Many of us got confused over how to play as the instructions weren't clear so here is the way to play  in my own words:

The card jitsu water dojo is similar to the other dojos. Sensei is sitting on the green cushion somewhere in the middle. Their are many training mats dotted around the room and the legendary water suit and the instructions are on two decaying posters pinned onto stone tablets.

To play card jitsu water, waddle over to Sensei and he will enhance your deck of cards., now you are ready to play.  Click on' earn your water suit' and you have to wait for other penguins to arrive(the maximum amount is four).  Once there are enough players the battle will begin.

The aim of the game is to race to the opposite side of the waterfall and kick the gong. To do this you need to hop across the stepping stones. However, many of them are blocked with either water, ice or fire.  Around you some stones are highlighted green, these are the ones you have to jump to.  If the stone is clear just click on it and you will leap on to it straight away.

But if your path is blocked its a little harder. At the bottom of the screen their is a scrolling selection of cards from your deck.  Choose a stone to clear and click on a a card from your deck which will destroy the element in front of you, it may take more than one card to clear it.  Then click on the newly cleared stone and you will leap on to it.

Repeat this progress and you will gradually head closer to the gong. However, as the waterfall rushes down stream it takes you and the stones with it. It pulls you nearer and nearer to the edge, so if you hang around to long you get swept of the edge and its game over. To win you are either the last ninja standing or the first to sound the gong. To do this you need to get to the opposite end and you will automatically leap up and kick the gong. Once you have kicked the gong a gush of water will sweep away the stones and the other opponents off the waterfall.

Like in card jitsu fire, once the game has ended a scroll will appear and tell you your position in the game. If you have earned an item of the water suit Sensei will congratulate you and give you the item. If you have earned the full set of clothing click on 'challenge Sensei' and like the other games you will be playing against him. If you win he will give you the water segment for your amulet. Good luck!

Sunday 14 November 2010

Shoe Box City: Disco hut

Many of us have seen Club penguin on our PCs, but imagine having a real life version which is perfect for toy puffles! On one rainy weekend, I was playing with my purple puffle Twirl when I saw an empty shoe box which gave me an idea. In two hours, a lot of Sellotape  and a bit of imagination, I had made my very own disco hut for Twirl. Here are some pictures:

Saturday 13 November 2010

Time to take out your brolly!

Ever since the storm arrived on Halloween at Club penguin, the sky has been dark and full of grey clouds. Only a few days ago it started raining and puddles have been gathering in the snow. Many Ninjas have been surprised to see that in the hideout a puddle over the water segment and now were else. Many of us have been predicting that the mysterious weather may lead to CARD-JITSU WATER! Here are some of the pictures below:

Puffle Cushions

About a week ago, 3 new puffles joined the team! Hob nob, Fluffy and Doodles all cuddly fluffy puffle cushions that lay on my bed every night. Fluffy is my personal favorite and Hob Nob is not far behind. Doodles is my brothers favorite so I let him borrow him sometimes. Fluffy is blue, Hob Nob is orange and Doodles is yellow.